Barron Canyon Trail Trail

Barron Canyon TrailBarron Canyon Barron Canyon Trail


Barron Canyon Trail is a 1.5 km loop trail that lead along the north rim of the spectacular, 100 m deep Barron Canyon and then returning to the parking lot. Please remember that this trail visits a very high, unfenced cliff top from which a fall would be fatal. You may also explore the Barron Canyon by canoe by accessing the canyon from the Brigham Lake Parking Lot and/or the Barron River Parking Lot.


1.5 km loop

Location Location

Barron Canyon Trail is located at km 29.0 of the Barron Canyon Road, 11 km north of the Sand Lake Gate. Latitude/Longitude: 45.889509°, -77.635245°

Difficulty Rating & Rationale


  • History of the Canyon

Features & Amenities

  • Danger Fall Danger Scenic lookout over the Barron Canyon
  • Major geological feature of Algonquin Park
  • Parking

Trail Guide

Rules and Regulations

Protecting Visitors


A valid Park permit is required for trail use.

Nearby Attractions

Related Information


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Special regulations for Algonquin's special fishery.