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Noise Restrictions
To ensure the appreciation of natural sounds of Algonquin Park, rowdy behaviour, excessive noise, and obscene language is not tolerated at any time of day or night and may result in charges being laid and eviction.
To preserve the tranquility of camping in Algonquin Park.
- The possession or use of chainsaws, powersaws, or similar devices are prohibited in all of Algonquin Park from April 1 through Thanksgiving Day.
- The possession or use of gasoline generators, radios, cassette players, or other electronic listening devices (except two-way radios or mp3 players) are prohibited in the backcountry of Algonquin Park from April 1 through Thanksgiving Day.
Reserve your developed or backcountry campsite for your next visit.
Share your passion for Algonquin Park by becoming a member or donor.
Special regulations for Algonquin's special fishery.