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The meeting of southern hardwood forests with northern coniferous forests within Algonquin Park results in the presence of birds from both forest zones. Thus, we have such northern birds as the Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, and Spruce Grouse here in Algonquin and at the same time such southerners as the Indigo Bunting, Brown Thrasher, and Wood Thrush.
For those wishing to learn more about the birds of Algonquin Park, The Friends of Algonquin Park produce two publications. The Birds of Algonquin Provincial Park introduces you to the main habitats of Algonquin, and to the biology and ecology of 77 of the most striking birds that you can expect to find in each. Those wishing detailed information (status, arrival dates, etc.) on all 272 bird species recorded in Algonquin are referred to the Park's Technical Bulletin No. 9, Checklist and Seasonal Status of the Birds of Algonquin Provincial Park. Both of these publications may be ordered from The Friends of Algonquin Park or bought at various locations within the Park.
As mentioned above, Algonquin Park has 272 recorded bird species, many of which are seasonal residents or migrants. Only a small number of birds reside in the Park year round. These birds face many challenges in order to survive the winter. One of Algonquin's over-wintering birds is the Gray Jay, a bird familiar to many of our visitors. Over 30 years of research on the Gray Jay, one of Algonquin's most social birds, has revealed the different unique strategies that this bird has evolved in order to survive the harsh winter season. Further investigate the fascinating world of the Gray Jay by exploring The Science Behind Algonquin's Animals which looks into the wildlife research conducted in Algonquin Park.
The Common Loon is a true symbol of wild places, and one that most visitors associate with Algonquin Park. Common throughout the Park and Ontario, the population status of the loon became a concern over 20 years ago as it became evident that airborne pollutants were having detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems. As a response to this concern, Algonquin Park began to monitor its loon population and continues to do so today. Long-term monitoring of loons is not unique. For over 30 years Park Naturalists have been monitoring all of Algonquin's birds, collecting data on seasonal migration, abundance and occurrence within the Park. To further investigate the Common Loon, and how monitoring techniques aid wildlife research, visit The Science Behind Algonquin's Animals, which focuses on wildlife research in Algonquin Park.
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Special regulations for Algonquin's special fishery.