Events Calendar
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Summer in Algonquin Park
Join the many visitors who make July and August the most popular months in Algonquin. Take the time to explore and learn! Visit museums, enjoy a picnic, venture out by canoe or on foot…there is always something to do!
Take in one of our popular and well-known programs by joining a Park Naturalist for a guided walk or children's program. See the Events Calendar for all upcoming programs.
Other summer activities include:
- Developed Campgrounds & Camping
- Backcountry Camping
- Canoeing
- Backpacking
- Programs
- Interpretive Walking Trails
- Recreational Activities
Reserve your developed or backcountry campsite for your next visit.
Share your passion for Algonquin Park by becoming a member or donor.
Special regulations for Algonquin's special fishery.