Donor Levels and Recognition

If you wish to make a donation to The Friends of Algonquin Park, to aid in our enhancement of the educational and interpretive programs in Algonquin Park, you may be interested in either making a pledge of support, or in making a memorial donation Donations of any amount are graciously accepted and charitable tax receipts are issued of donations $10.00 and over. Donations of any amount will receive printed recognition within in the Donors Book located in the Algonquin Visitor Centre lobby.

General Donations/Pledges of Support

Although these donations are not designated to any specific program, they are used to further the work of The Friends. Contributions of any amount are appreciated. With all of the educational programs and activities The Friends of Algonquin Park have on the go every year you can be sure that your donation will be directed towards a worthwhile project such as the creation of new publications or the development and maintenance of exhibits.

Donor $1-24
Contributor $25-99
Supporter $100-299
Sustainer $300-499
Associate $500-999
Patron $1,000-4,999
Benefactor $5,000-9,999
Endower $10,000+

Algonquin Logging Museum

A contribution of $500.00 or more in support of the Algonquin Logging Museum will result in your name(s) being engraved and placed on the Algonquin Logging Museum Donors Wall. This plaque location at the Logging Museum is very prominent and located to the right of the Information Desk in the lobby.

In Memoriam

As a lasting tribute, donations can be made in memory of a particular individual who was fond of Algonquin Park. Memorial donations may be made in any amount and the individual(s) honoured will appear in the "Memorial" section of our Donors Book in the Algonquin Visitor Centre lobby. Acknowledgements for memorial donations made will be issued at your request if you provide us with the contact information.

More Information

Partnership Coordinator
The Friends of Algonquin Park
Box 248
Whitney, Ontario K0J 2M0
Phone: (613) 637-2828 ext. 239

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Share your passion for Algonquin Park by becoming a member or donor.

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